Frank Camilleri Publications




Edited Publications

  • Co-editing with John-David Dewsbury, ‘On Habit’ issue, Performance Research, 28:6 (2023)

  • Co-editing with Maria Kapsali, ‘On Hybridity’ issue, Performance Research, 25:4 (2020)

  • Co-editing with Paul Allain and Stacie Lee Bennett, Special Issue on ‘Digital Training’, Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 10:2 (2019)

  • The Second Phase (Malta: Icarus Performance Project, 2004). ISBN 99932-0-308-8 (32 pages)

  • ICARUS 4 (Malta: Icarus GHE, 2003). ISBN 99932-0-244-4 (24 pages)


Edited Translations

  • On Training: Traces of an Odin Teatret Actress by Roberta Carreri (London and New York: Routledge), 2014. ISBN 978-1-13-878000-2 (232 pages). Includes ‘On Time and In Visibility: Training in Context – Foreword by Frank Camilleri’ (3,250 words)

  • Stepping Stones by Ingemar Lindh (Holstebro–Malta–Wrocław: Routledge Icarus), 2010. ISBN 978-83-61835-44-8 (232 pages). Includes ‘Introduction to the English Edition’ (4,400 words) and ‘Glossary of Terms’ (5,200 words) by Frank Camilleri.




Performance Work: Devised, Performed, & Directed


The Martyr Project (2012–2014)

  • Martyr Red (May/October/November 2013), Icarus Performance Project, Canterbury (UK) – Malta.


The Queen Project (2006–2008)

  • Duration 56 (May/June 2008), Icarus Performance Project, Malta.
  • RISK: El Riesgo de La Reina (July/August 2007), Icarus Performance Project, Malta.
  • La Reina: A Vocal Structure (August 2006), Icarus Performance Project, Malta.


Cain Project (2001–2005)

  • Lamentations of Cain (August 2005), Icarus Project Third Phase presentation, Malta.
  • Amargo TWO (Oct 2004), Icarus Project Second Phase presentation: trio fused with a chorus, Malta.
  • TWO.2 (August 2004), Icarus Project Second Phase presentation: duo fused with a solo, Malta.
  • TWO (April 2004), Icarus Project Second Phase presentation: two solos fused as a duo, Malta.
  • ICARUS 4 (2003), Icarus Project First Phase presentation: four solos, Malta.
  • Amargo: The Tragedy of the Man Doomed to Die (2002–03), solo performance, Malta.


Other Projects

  • Tekhnē  Sessions has been presented in various contexts, either as a full or as a conference presentation, including Malta (2003, 2004), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland, 2004), University of Exeter (UK, 2006), Moscow Art Theatre School (Russia, 2007), University of Evora (Portugal, 2007), and University of Plymouth (UK, 2009).

  • Id-Descartes, solo performance co-created with John J. Schranz: Malta (1996, 1997, 2001), Sassari (Sardinia, 1996, 2000), Urbino (Italy, 1997, 2002), Biella (Italy, 1997), Rome (1998), Tartu (Estonia, 1999), Edinburgh (1999), Thessaloniki (2001), Poznan (Poland, 2002), Ragusa (Sicily, 2003).

Performance Work: Performed

  • La Pietra e il Dolore, directed by Lech Raczak, Urbino (Italy), 1996.

  • Inkontri Possibbli, directed by John J. Schranz, Malta (1995, 1996), Rome (1995), Pontedera (1996).

  • La Vita di S. Giovanni, directed by Lech Raczak, Urbino (Italy), 1994.

  • Berlin! Berlin!, directed by John J. Schranz, Malta, 1992.


Audio-Visual Publications

  • PATAZ: Physical Actor Training – An Online A-Z [a major innovative series of over 60 dynamic videos with audio commentary and animation], with Paul Allain, Stacie Lee Bennett, and Peter Hulton (Bloomsbury Drama Online, 2018).

  • D56, DVD (Canterbury: Icarus Performance Project and Foreign Body Films, 2009).

  • Lamentations of Cain, DVD (Malta: Icarus Performance Project, 2007).

  • ‘Structure/Improvisation: Investigating the Performative Condition’, in The Changing Body Symposium, DVD-ROM (Exeter Digital Archives: Arts Documentation Unit, University of Exeter, 2006).

  • Tekhnē Sessions 2004, DVD (Malta: Icarus Performance Project, 2005).

